Many are not aware of the existence of this film. And I say "for shame!"
Now I'll begin this article by saying how I became acquainted with this movie. It all began in 2007 I think, when I saw at
www.comingsoon.net that Darren Lynn Bousman had made a short-film musical as a pitch for studios. But not just any musical, a bloody-rock opera! I had just fell in love with violent musicals after seeying Sweeney Todd, after reading this, I knew I had to watch it. Now, I wasn't that much interested in it 'cause I heard that Paris Hilton was in it (I have nothing against her, personally I like her very much). So I decided to wait for a trailer. Later that year, at the SpikeTV Scream Awards, I totally became hooked on this film. After hearing the song "At the Opera Tonight!" and watching the teaser trailer, I knew this film was for me. It was supposed to be released on April 2008. But Lionsgate refused to do so since it argued that there was no audience for this movie. They were wrong! Summer 2008 at Comic-Con was the icying on the cake. A new clip was revealed: "Zydrate Anatomy". This song became my all-time favorite Repo! song. And after watching that clip, I fell in love with the film. Also the new release date was announced, November 7th. Unfortunately, it was a limited release.
On November 7th I knew I had to find a theater to watch it, and I did. Sunset 5 Theaters at Hollywood. I called my good friend and producer Raul Quiros (Ralqui). He was thrilled and agreed that we should totally go. We met early the next day and left for L.A. We arrived there at 1:00pm, just in time for the screening. We loved it! And we wanted to share it with the rest of our friends.
Now, skip forward to December 13th. Repo! came to San Diego. And not only that, Darren Lynn Bousman, Terrance Zdunich and Darren Smith showed up. Unfortunately I had to go alone, Ralqui was unnable to join me. There were 2 screenings, one at midnight December 12th and the second on December 13th at midnight. I bought my ticket on Thursday. On Saturday I left for the movie theater, crossed the border and hoped to get there in time. I arrived at 11:30pm. I met these guys and let me tell you, they're amazing! You would've thought they were some stuck-up douchebags just standing there so people could watch the movie... how very wrong that would've been! I got there and thought they would deny me an autograph, no they didn't. I remember I first looked at Terrance wondering if it was really him, my exact words to him were: "You are the 'Graverobber' right?". He looked at me with a doubting expresion on his face (I asumed he was thinking: "Yeah... who else would I be?"). He answered: "Yes". I was kinda starstruck. I spoke briefly and told him who I was, he then introduced me to Darren Smith (a really cool guy) who then introduced me to Darren Lynn Bousman (DLB himself). He autographed a SAW 2 DVD that I took there, we took some pictures and then headed inside for the movie.

Inside the theater, the guys introduced the movie and then headed out to a local bar. After the screening, we had a little Q&A. And after that some pictures and autographs, I decided to bug these guys for another pic and I am glad I did. Then I spoke to all 3 of them about a possible Tijuana or Mexico Road Tour. They were interested, specially Darren Smith. After that, the theater closed and I headed home, not believing what had just happened.

Now we move forward to January 20th, the DVD/Blu-ray release of Repo! I went to buy my copy at Walmart (Blu-ray, obviously) and I was shocked that only 2 copies were available.
Anyways, I started promoting this film amongst my friends and hoped for another screening. My prayers were answered. Repo! Road Tour 3 was making a final stop, at Los Angeles on January 24th. Now L.A. is a 2 and a half hour trip from were I live. Again, I called Ralqui. He agreed and we went! Now this time it was an experience I will remember for the rest of my life. I woke up at 1pm on Saturday, and crossed the border at 4:20pm. Ralqui picked me up and we went to buy some supplies for the trip (food, markers, beverages, etc.). We entered the 805 freeway and headed straight for L.A (Santa Monica Blvd.). I'll spare you our antics during the trip (Don't worry, I recorded the whole thing and it will be available shortly). We arrived at the Royal theater at 7:30pm and wow! there was already a line and there were still 2 and a half hours to go. We found a parking spot two blocks away from the theater and headed to the end of the line. Ralqui remained there while I documented some things on video for posterity. We slowly watched the celebrities arrive. We met some interesting people while standing outside the theater.

After a while, DLB arrived. I said hi and got him to sign my Repo! BD. Then came Darren Smith, now this was funny. I stood in front of good ol' DS, recording his arrival. He looked at me and said: "Hey, I remember you... You're from Tijuana". Believe me I was surprised when I heard that. I thought he wouldn't remember me. I felt great.

After that, Terrance arrived. I recorded him but didn't get a chance to say hi. Then came Ogre, Alexa Vega and Bill Moseley. Now I wanted Bill's autograph, so I approached him and asked him kindly if he would sign my BD, he said: "Not right now, I'm not allowed". Oh, well. Then DLB walked along the long line outside the theater, I took the opportunity and gave him a DVD of my short-films. After a long time, Paris Hilton arrived, she is hot! haha. She walked along the line with DLB and said hi to all the guys.

Skip to the entrance. We entered the theater and grabbed a seat. After that I wandered all around the theater. I went to the "celebrity" section on the back of the seats and found Terrance sitting there alone. Ralqui approached me and said: "Look, is Terrance". I said hi, he looked kinda freaked out by it. I asked him if he remembered me and he did. Again I was surprised. I asked him if I could get an autograph after the show, he said: "I can sign it now, if you want to". He signed it and I told him if he would accept a DVD with my work. He agreed but told me to wait until the end to give it to him. After that, I spotted Alexa Vega signing autographs. I rushed over there and cut in front of the line (like a good mexican). She signed my Repo! BD and Spy Kids DVD. Then I headed back to my seat, I was looking for Paris but she was nowhere to be found. Later, I went out to the lobby and found Alexa again, taking pictures. I recorded her and asked for a picture. She said: "No!"(joking around). "You'll regret it, someday I'll be famous" I replied. "Oh, in that case, yes!" she answered, we laughed and took a picture together.

After that, Spooky Dan took the floor and showed us his fan-film: "Repo! The Puppet Opera" I walked around the walkway and found Paris Hilton, I stood beside her during the "puppety" screening and after that I rushed to my seat for a camera. I ran back to where Paris was standing and asked her for a photo. "Take as many as you want she said" I looked around to see if anyone could take the picture. When I found one, I was denied the chance to do so. I stood there and spoke briefly with Paris, she is actually a nice person. I decided that I had to have proof that I was in the same room as Paris Hilton, so I took this picture.

Then came the introduction by DLB, TZ and DS. They asked us not to remain in silence during the movie. Then the movie began. It was crazy! People singing, shadow casts, glow-sticks! Unbelievable.
When the movie was over, there was a brief Q&A with everyone. After that we had a signing session. I met Ogre, who is an amazing guy. Really funny.

Then, Ralqui was tempted to take some pics, first there was DLB and after that Alexa Vega. We approached her and spoke with her for some time. I told her I was from Tijuana and that Ralqui was from... er... (I couldn't remember!). Ralqui wasn't pleased with my previous comment and he uttered the words: "Chinga tu madre!" (which in spanish means: "f*ck your mother"). After hearing that, Alexa replied: "Hey! hey! Que te pasa?!" ("What's wrong with you?"). We we're surprised she understood us. She then began speaking in spanish for a little while. We then approached her with our idea to do a Mexico Road Tour. She was thrilled and said she was up for it.
We said goodbye to Alexa and headed on towards Darren Smith, Ralqui took his picture and we spoke very briefly with him. Then came Terrance, we walked towards him and Ralqui got a hug and took a picture with him. We then spoke about the possibility of a Mexico Road Tour and told us what to do.
Finally we left the theater and said goodbye to the Repo! Theater Experience. We arrived at Tijuana at aproximately 5:00am on Sunday.
After that, I decided to spread the word about Repo! I made private shows at my house, trying to convince my friends to buy it. Some of them did. But above all, they enjoyed it.
Early this month we had a little chat session with DLB and he announced the release of the extended soundtrack and of the new Repo! Road Show (organized by fans for the fans) and a permanent theatrical run for Repo! Midnight Screenings once a week, or month (I'm not sure).
I was so fortunate to have witnessed this film in theaters. It may be called the worst film of 2008. But it has become one of my favorites. I don't care if you love it or hate it. JUST WATCH IT PLEASE!