Thursday, March 19, 2009

"BTH2: The Gathering"

In the year 2007, after filming "DIAF's The Tell-Tale Heart", I embarked on a little production to help some friends out. It started off as a "Scream" parody, then it became a horror movie parody, and finally it became a B-movie. But, not just any B-movie, an indie-B-movie by DIAF.
A mix of "SAW" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with a little speck of romance and "Bury the Hatchet" was born. I tried to compensate the fact that the people in it were not (and are still not) actors, plus the shoddy quality of the camera we had and the small amount of time for filming, by making this indie-B-movie a Grindhouse Tribute. We did it in 10 hours and after some serious editing, the first screening came by. Now I was not expecting this to be a good movie, but the audience loved it! And so, I closed the chapter on my B-movie adventures.

Forward to 2008, another similar situation. I had no film whatsoever that year and I needed one for my english composition class. Now, I had a group of poor-english speaking non-actors, a digital minDV camera this time and 2 weeks to do it. My classmates decided to do a horror movie because I was in their team, and they know that blood is one of my specialities. So, I wrote a little story about a group of friends and a party they had and how a maniac kills them all. Now after writing this film, we decided that the title would be "The Last Gathering". For me it sounded as a cheap alien flick, but it worked. First day of shooting, we finished one third of the film and I head on home. I was sitting on my computer when I look at my hatchet (which has been used in "DIAF's The Tell-Tale Heart", "BTH", "BTH2" & "Voutre Cené") and it suddenly came to me, this crappy movie will be the "cheap-quel" for my previous crappy-B-indie-movie "BTH"! And it totally worked! The same Grindhouse formula was used and this one had even more success.

And now I am proud to announce the RE-RELEASE of "BURY THE HATCHET 2: The Gathering" with an ALL-NEW score by DIAF.

I know what you're thinking, "oh, it's the same movie only with different music"... WRONG!
It is still the same movie, but I changed the look of it. It has different shots, remastered sound, better effects and a bunch of stuff more! This is the definitive version of "BTH2".

Where can you see it? Well, the re-release is targeted for Halloween '09 along the original "BTH" (Director's Cut w/new score), but... You may be able to catch an early screening if you go to "Corto Creativo '09" (@ Cinemastar Plaza Americana, Otay - Date to be confirmed).

So now, I leave you with a trailer for this re-release!



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

DIAF Update!

'ello, 'ello! What's all this then?

Ugh, sorry for the absence... food poisoning is a bitch! That and school plus work! haha but I am back now! Here are the updates:

1) Finished the re-release trailer for BTH2 (post coming soon, maybe tomorrow)
2) Finished cutting the redux version of BTH2, now I'm doing the fx work... expect something cool.
3) Almost done with RRT3: L.A. RT.
4) The first cut for "Mala Civilizacion" is on it's way... I've done a very - very - RAW cut.
5) I will begin to edit Mûxìk's Private Show these following weeks (future post for more details).
6) I've finished doing my director's cut on "Voutre Cené", still waiting for the never-to-be-realized soundtrack by Ricardo Diaz.

That's all for now... expect more posts!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Student Shortfilms pt. 1

Hello again!

Well as some of you may know, I am a film school student, and I have had the opportunity to do 2 little shorts in these past months. The first one is called: "Wahnsinn in diesen Mauern" (Madness inside these walls). It's basically the story of a madman and how he overcomes his mental illness. This video was "Co-directed" by me, but my main task was DP (Direction of Photography, along-side my fellow student Edgar Velilla) and editing later-on (The first cut was edited by camera).

This short was the first experience for many members of the crew, but I think we pulled it off nicely. The short will be uploaded soon, there's still some tweaks to be done in the editing process and add original music by Ricardo Diaz (the dude in the weird jacket).

And today, we finished filming the 2nd project of which, yours truly, was the director. We're on the editing process right now so stay tuned for more updates.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Repo! in TJ


This weekend I received the wonderful news that Repo! The Genetic Opera was going to be presented to my fellow TJ peeps. I've been fighting like crazy to get a TJ audience for this film and I hope we can get some more members in the TJ army. Now this is a video presentation, my main goal is still to get this film to be screened in theaters here. I would like to extend my congratulations to my fellow Repo! fan Jesús Brijandez, without whom this film wouldn't be presented. For those of you who want to go to this awesome show, here's the info:

First Show: March 10th, 7:00pm @ Casa de la 9 (Calle 9, entre Quintana Roo y Pio Pico)
Second Show: March 11th, 6:00pm @ Le Drugstore (Esq. calle 4ta y Revolucion, Zona Centro)

If you are or want to be a part of the Repo! TJ Army, YOU MUST ATTEND BOTH or at least one show. I know I'll be there, mainly at the first one.

So... Everybody, everybody - oh, yeah! - SSStand up! - don't be shy - People, people, people! - Get up! get up! - Everybody!... TESTIFY!!!(8)

I'll see you guys there...


Sunday, March 1, 2009

The mûxìk experience pt. 2

Well, there's no easier way to say this, the show was a complete success (yay! confetti!).
We started a little late and we had some technical difficulties (moth got stuck in a lamp and melted) but we definitely pulled it off.

Now here are the details for this shit:
1) The whole show will be edited in the following weeks.
2) We will upload only 8 songs without the hilarious interruptions that occurred between songs.
3) The other 5 songs will be available EXCLUSIVELY in an UNCUT DVD VERSION.
4) Expect a full article with photos and stuff soon.

For further details, visit or keep checking this blog.


Filming "Mala Civilización" pt. 2

'ello, 'ello!

Well, principal photography for "Mala Civilización" was finished on Friday. You can read all about it at Mr. Walls' (Paredes) blog CeroBudget or at Rodrigo's Blog FILMBUFFalo Producciones. I, on the other hand, have nothing else to add except that the post-production of this short-film is going to be hell.
