Tuesday, July 21, 2009

H2 DIAF Poster

So I was kinda bored and found out there's a contest for a fan-made "H2" poster.
Here's the DIAF take.



Monday, July 13, 2009

DIAF Update!

Hello, folks! The DIAFster here, bringing you coverage of the past days.

So, as you all know, BTH2 had it's screening at CC09. The screening was altered due
to a documentary about the Jews in TJ (FML, right?) but it was for the better good.
The shortfilm was screened on Saturday July 11th at 2pm approximately, and we had
a pretty good run, people laughed at some of the jokes and goofs and I am glad that
some of them understood my vision.

In other news, I have finally discovered that Muxik uploaded the first video
of the private live show (Directed and Edited by DIAF) about A MONTH AGO!!!
So I am bringing you the video right here, enjoy!

Stay tuned for more DIAF news. Laters.


Friday, July 3, 2009

BTH2: The Gathering @ CC09!

Hello, once again!

I would like to announce to all of you web surfers out there that my film, BTH2: The Gathering, has been selected for a special screening at Cinemark Plaza Minarete Cinemas, Tijuana B.C. on Friday July 10th, 2009 around 5:00pm till 6:30pm. The cost for the whole festival is $20 bucks for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

So, I hope to see all of youse there.